How to dynamically insert a new row below a specific row with a sliding animation in jQuery

My task is to create a tree-like table structure where clicking on a specific row will reveal and add new rows below it. Specifically, I am designing the Category and SubCategory structure.

Currently, I can append rows after a specified row but am struggling to incorporate any effects when doing so.

    var jsonResponse = JSON.parse(response);
     $.each(jsonResponse.DATA, function(i){
        var newData = $("<tr class='subcategoryrow' rel="+ jsonResponse.DATA[i][0] +" id=category"+ jsonResponse.DATA[i][0] +" parentID="+categoryID+" ><td colspan='1'>"+jsonResponse.DATA[i][1]+"</td></tr>");
        $("#category" + categoryID).after( newData ).fadeIn('slow');;   

I am dynamically generating subcategories and appending them after a specific category row. How can I implement effects like fade or slide when adding these new rows?

Answer №1

One important thing to note is that no animations can be performed until an element is already present in the DOM.

Therefore, by using the newData .after() method on a row, you are actually inserting it and then animating it, which may not yield the desired result.

To work around this issue, consider adding a CSS class or style to any newly added row that initially hides it, like so:

    display: none;

Then, after successfully appending it to the DOM, trigger your animation effects such as .slideDown or .fadeIn.

Another approach could be to use the .hide() function on the element before insertion, although I recommend testing this method first before implementing it.

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