How to dynamically change the color of a button in a list in Vue.js when it is clicked

I am working on a dynamic list of buttons that are populated using an array of objects:

            v-for="(genre, index) in genreArray"
            <button class="btn m-1" type="button" @click="genreButton(genre, index)" 
                  { 'clicked': clicked}
              {{ }}

The format of the array is as follows:

//and many more objects with same key and different values

I am attempting to change the color of only the button that is clicked by adding a specific class to it:

  return {
    clicked: false  
  genreButton(genre, index){
    this.clicked = !this.clicked

Here is the CSS I am using for changing the color:

  background-color= red;

However, I am facing an issue where all buttons change color when one is clicked. How can I ensure that ONLY the clicked button changes color?

Answer №1

Within this context, the clicked property exists at the component level and is shared among all buttons nested within.

An alternative approach would involve assigning a unique clicked property to each button in the genreButton array:

    clicked: false,

Yet, a more refined solution could entail creating a dedicated button component with an internal clicked property.

    class="btn m-1" 
    @click="clicked = !clicked" 
    :class="[ { 'clicked': clicked} ]" >
    {{ }}

export default {
  name: 'CustomButton',
  props: {
    genre: Object,
  data: () => ({
    clicked: false,

<style scoped>
  background-color= red;

You can then utilize the button component like this:

  v-for="(genre, index) in genreArray"
  :key="index" >
  <CustomButton :genre="genre" />

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