How to Display JavaScript Error Messages Beside an HTML/JSP Input Field with CSS

Hey there! I've got a simple CRUD input form with Javascript validation. When an error occurs, the error message pops up below the input field in red text. I've tried various methods like floats and adjusting margins, but nothing seems to work.

The code is on a different computer, but basically, the JavaScript checks for a span value in the HTML. If it's not there, it creates the error message and sets its properties using CSS.

Here's a snippet of the HTML:

<label for="fName">First Name:</label>

<form:input type="text" name="fName" id="fName" path="fName"/>

<div id = "fName.errorField"><font color="red"><form:errors cssClass= "error" path="fName" /></font></div><br />

A piece of the JS:

if(document.getElementById('fName.errors') == null){ = "fname.errors";

newSpan.className = "error";


newSpan = document.createElement("span");


function validateFName() {

var alphaChar = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/;

var nameFChek = document.input.fName.value;

if (nameFChek == ""){

document.getElementById("fName.errors").innerHTML = "This field is blank (fname)";

return false;


And here's my current CSS:

form { width: 800px;}

label { float: left; width: 150px;}

input[type=text] { float: left; width: 250px;}

.clear { clear:both; height: 0; line-height: 0;}

.floatright { float: right;}

Answer №1

It appears that you are dynamically creating a new span element and inserting it into the DOM using vanilla JavaScript. If your project is growing in size, I suggest utilizing a validation tool such as jQuery Validate for error checking:

Even if you have already written a substantial amount of code, it would be beneficial to integrate a plugin for future enhancements.

You may also want to explore the demo's CSS at

Without a functional jsfiddle link, pinpointing the issue within your code becomes challenging.

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