How to create a transparent background for a bootstrap carousel

I am new to CSS and I'm trying to create a carousel that is transparent on top of a colored div. Can anyone help me achieve this?

Here is what I currently have:

This is the HTML code I am using:

<div class="second-phase">
        <!-- Tab for Carousel-->
        <div id="products-page-carousel"></div>

        <!--Carousel View-->
        <div id="carousel" class="carousel slide"  data-ride="carousel">

            <!-- The slideshow -->
            <div class="carousel-inner" >
                <div class="carousel-item active" id="my-carousel-bg" >
                        <img src="/media/g01hgi0m/branded-basin.png" alt="Los Angeles" width="30%" height="30%">
                <div class="carousel-item" id="my-carousel-bg">
                        <img src="/media/waqd3xdw/branded-milk-crate.png" alt="Chicago" width="10%" height="10%">
                <div class="carousel-item" id="my-carousel-bg">
                        <img src="/media/g01hgi0m/branded-basin.png" alt="New York" width="30%" height="30%">

            <!-- Left and right controls -->
            <a class="carousel-control-prev" href="#carousel" data-slide="prev">
                <img src="/media/aqrnoaxe/asset-1.png" width="17%"/>
            <a class="carousel-control-next" href="#carousel" data-slide="next">
                <img src="/media/xqwj1jpx/asset-3.png" width="17%"/>

Here is my CSS code as well:

    margin-top: -170px;
    height: 700px;
    background-color: transparent;
    opacity: 2;

This is the desired output:

Answer №1

It's important to remember that id tags must be unique within the entire document, so having multiple on a single page is not allowed. Consider changing from using id to class and see if that resolves the issue.

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