How to Change Text When Accordion is Expanded or Collapsed using Javascript

Help needed with JavaScript accordion menu for displaying indicators in front of section headers. The goal is to show a (+) when collapsed and (-) when expanded. The current code only changes on click, not based on the section's state. Looking for fresh eyes to spot the logic error.

JSFiddle Link
Javascript code snippet:

 // Code snippet goes here

And here is the HTML/CSS:

// HTML and CSS code here

Answer №1

To ensure proper functioning of the changeText method, make sure to set all indicators to '+' before proceeding with any other tasks. Insert the code snippet provided below above the if statement in the changeText method:

document.getElementById("expandIndicator1").innerHTML = openIndicator;
document.getElementById("expandIndicator2").innerHTML = openIndicator;
document.getElementById("expandIndicator3").innerHTML = openIndicator;

If you are dealing with a large number of content divs:

var numberOfContentDivs = 36;
for ( var i = 1; i <= numberOfContentDivs; i++) {
    document.getElementById("expandIndicator" + i).innerHTML = openIndicator;

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