How to apply styles to a child component using CSS modules in a parent component

For the styling of a Material UI component (Paper) within a Menu component, I am referencing this documentation.

To style my components using CSS modules with Webpack as the bundler, here's an example:

// menu.js

import React from 'react';
import { StyledEngineProvider } from '@mui/material/styles';
import styles from './styles.module.css';
import Menu from '@mui/material/Menu';
import MenuItem from '@mui/material/MenuItem';

const MyMenu = (props) => {
  return (
    <StyledEngineProvider injectFirst>
      <div id="my-menu">
        <Button id="button-react-component" onClick={handleClick}>
          My Menu
          <MenuItem ...>
            <span> Example 1 <span>

// styles.module.css

.menu {
  color: white;

.menu .MuiPaper-root {
  background-color: red

// Also tried : 
.menu .root {
  background-color: red

The objective is to apply a specific background-color to the MuiPaper component. MuiPaper is nested within the Menu component, and its styling is defined through the parent declaration.<Menu>.

I prefer utilizing .css files for styling purposes and utilize webpack to bundle these css files into modules.

Observations in the browser :

It can be seen that the background-color "red" is not reflecting in the last screenshot.

Appreciate your assistance :)

Answer №1

To prevent CSS modules from overriding styles from another CSS module or elsewhere, there are a couple of workarounds you can use:

  1. Create a separate class specifically for the .menu paper, such as .menuPaper, and apply it using PaperProps on the Menu component:
.menuPaper {
  background-color: blue;
  PaperProps={{ className: styles.menuPaper }}
  1. Use the :global selector in your CSS selector:
.menu :global .MuiPaper-root {   
    background-color: red; 

CSS modules modify CSS classes by appending a unique ID to them. By using the :global selector, you can bypass this behavior and retain the original classname.

The difference between these methods is that when multiple Menu components are present in your MyMenu component, the :global approach would apply the same background to all Menu instances within MyMenu. Conversely, the PaperProps method would only style specific Menus with

PaperProps={{ className: styles.menuPaper }}

For more information, refer to the css-loader documentation:

Explore MUI's Menu documentation here: (also check out the Popover component).

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