How to apply CSS styles to a variable containing an element in React

I'm having some trouble styling this element I created. So, I made a variable called test and assigned it to an element.

var test = <Button className="testButton" />

Then in my return statement, I am using the test variable like so:

render () {
var test = <Button className="testButton" />

I've attempted to style the button by adding a className, but it doesn't seem to be working as expected. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can achieve this?

Answer №1

Is that button being generated by Material-UI or something else?

There is definitely a connection with Material-UI here. It seems like the Button is receiving the class testButton and styling associated with it. However, Material-UI Buttons typically inherit styles from inline-styles set by MUI-Theme.

According to the Material-UI website:

All Material-UI components have their styles defined inline.

Essentially, if your class has non-!important styles, they may be overridden by the inline styles. There are a few ways to address this issue:

  • Modify the MUI theme
  • Override the inline-styles
  • Add !important to class styles for overriding purposes

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