how to adjust the width of table columns dynamically using ng-repeat and AngularJS

Working on a user interface that contains a table where the column widths adjust according to percentage data. I'm using ng-repeat to populate the table, but need help setting unique widths for each piece of data received. Here's some of my AngularJS code:

var App = angular.module("myApp", []);

This is an excerpt from my HTML file where I need to add dynamic data into the table while the other tables are hard-coded.

<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
... (the rest of the HTML code)

Answer №1

Here is a slightly modified version of the code snippet provided:

<div ng-repeat="item in items">
   <p>{{}}: <span style="width: {{item.value}};">{{item.value}}</span></p>

The values for "value" can be specified as percentages or pixels, whichever suits your needs.

In the controller, you would define the items like this:

$scope.items = [
    {name: 'item1', value: '70%'},
    {name: 'item2', value: '10%'},
    {name: 'item3', value: '20%'}

This structure should allow you to display each item with its respective width dynamically based on the assigned values.

Additionally, it's worth noting that in this version I have used inline styling with style="width: {{item.value}};" instead of the original use of ng-style="" for achieving similar functionality.

Answer №2

One strategy could involve creating a specialized directive for either columns or rows, depending on your preference. This directive would replace the standard row or column with a customized version generated within the directive and tailored to specific width criteria. This concept is illustrated using a td element as an example, but can be adapted as needed. I trust this explanation proves helpful.

    .directive('tddirective', ['$compile',
        function ($compile) {
            return {
                scope: {
                    item: '='
                replace: true,
                link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
                    var html = "";

                    function addElement(html) {
                        var toInsert = angular.element(html);

                    //You can implement validation or define specific width requirements here, possibly comparing with other columns and adjusting formatting accordingly
                    html = '\
                           <td style="width: " + item.width +";"></td>';

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