How to achieve horizontal auto-scrolling in an image gallery with jQuery?

Hey there, I'm currently working on an Image Gallery project. I have arranged thumbnails horizontally in a div below the main images. Take a look at this snapshot img.

My goal is to have the thumbnails scroll along with the main pictures as the user clicks on the next button. I attempted the following code:

$("#next").click(function({$(".slider_thumbnail").animate({scrollLeft: 300px})});

However, it only seems to work the first time and fails to function correctly on subsequent clicks of the 'next' button.

Answer №1

It seems like there may be an issue with the scrollLeft: 300px property in your code. Instead of setting the element's scroll position to an absolute value of 300px, consider using scrollLeft: "+=300" for continuous movement. This way, when you click the next button, the element will continue to scroll by an additional 300 pixels each time. For more information, check out

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