How come my gifs appear tiny even though I've adjusted their width to 32% each?

I am trying to display three gifs in a row, each taking up one-third of the width of the page. However, when I preview the page, the gifs appear tiny. I have set the divs to 32% each and the gifs should fill 100% of their respective div. Here is the code snippet I am working with:

<div id="3wizards" width=100% style="float:center">
  <div id="w1" width=32% style="float:left">
    <img src="wizard(1).gif" width=100%>
  <div id="w2" width=32% style="float:left">
   <img src="wizard(1).gif" width=100%>
  <div id="w3" width=32% style="float:right">
   <img src="wizard(1).gif" width=100%>

This is how it looks on the page: Image showing the three wizard gifs as small.

(While I could remove the divs altogether, I want to keep them in case I want to add text to one of the thirds in the future. So, I would like to figure out how to make it work with the current setup for potential future use.)

Answer №1

Hey there Anura, take a look at this code snippet. To start off, enclose the code within a main wrapper and utilize flex to align it in the same row.

<div class="gif-wrapper">
   <div id="w1" class="gif">
     <img src="wizard(1).gif" width=100%>
   <div id="w2" class="gif">
    <img src="wizard(1).gif" width=100%>
   <div id="w3" class="gif">
    <img src="wizard(1).gif" width=100%>


.gif-wrapper {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  margin: 0 -15px;

.gif-wrapper .gif {
    width: calc(100% / 3 - 30px);
    margin: 0 15px;

Implement media queries for responsiveness across various devices.

Answer №2

To resolve this issue, utilize the flex property:

<div id="3wizards" width=100% style="display: flex;gap:2%;">
  <div id="w1" width=32% height=100%>
    <img src="" width=100%>
  <div id="w2" width=32%>
   <img src="" width=100%>
  <div id="w3" width=32%>
   <img src="" width=100%>

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