How come I am unable to alter the border color in the input field of material-ui?

My goal is to change the input border color to white regardless of whether it is focused, hovered, or just by default.

I have attempted to create a theme using makeStyles for the text and input fields but it does not seem to be working. Here is my code:

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  textField: {
    '& .MuiOutlinedInput-root': {
      borderColor: 'white',
      '&:hover': {
        borderColor: '#ffffff',
      '&.Mui-focused': {
        borderColor: 'white',
    '& .MuiOutlinedInput-input': {
      color: 'white',
    '& .MuiInputAdornment-root': {
      color: 'white',

This is how I am creating my textfields or input fields:

            shrink: true,
            style: { color: 'white' },
            inputProps: {
              step: 1,
              min: 0,
            endAdornment: (
              <InputAdornment position="end">
                {isForm && (
                      onClick={() => handleChange({ target: { name, value: parseInt(value || '0') + 1 } })}
                      style={{ color: 'white' }}
                      <ArrowUpwardIcon />
                      onClick={() => handleChange({ target: { name, value: Math.max(parseInt(value || '0') - 1, 0) } })}
                      style={{ color: 'white' }}
                      <ArrowDownwardIcon />
            classes: {
              root: classes.textField,
          sx={{ '& .MuiOutlinedInput-root': { borderColor: 'white' } }}

Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?

Answer №1

To address this issue, consider utilizing inline styling or the use of !important if your CSS styles are contained in an external file.

          '& .MuiInput-underline:before': {
            borderBottomColor: 'white',
          '& .MuiInput-underline:hover:not(.Mui-disabled):before': {
            borderBottomColor: 'white',
          '& .MuiInput-underline:after': {
            borderBottomColor: 'white',
          '& .MuiFormLabel-root.Mui-focused': {
            color: 'white',

Begin by targeting the default bottom line: & .MuiInput-underline:before when there is no focus. Next, address the hovered underline with: & .MuiInput-underline:after. This step may be omitted based on your requirements. Finally, focus on the focused underline: & .MuiInput-underline:after, encompassing all 3 scenarios for comprehensive coverage.

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