How can you make a floating div shift below a non-floating table rather than resizing when there is limited space available?

My layout consists of a div and a table displayed side-by-side:

<div style="float:right ...">Contents</div>

I am looking for a solution to make the div move below the table when there is not enough space to display them side-by-side. Currently, they just overlap.


Since this is a template, I want to refrain from hardcoding any widths into the layout. Both the div and table should resize based on their contents before deciding their placement - either side-by-side or with the table above the div. Essentially, I am seeking a CSS property similar to

min-width: <content width request>

Answer №1

It seems like you're curious about how to implement the max-width css property, which is demonstrated in this jsFiddle.

Answer №2

By default, both the <div> and <table> elements have flexible widths, but there are ways to work around this.

To make them "too wide" for their container, you can give them a specified min-width like:

div { min-width: 300px; }
table { min-width: 500px; } /* adjust numbers as needed */

If you want them to be side-by-side in a container that's 800px or wider (with widths of 500px + 300px), but stacked if narrower, then adding float: right; to both the <div> and <table> should do the trick.

Answer №3

If you're struggling with positioning in CSS, consider taking a closer look at using the relative approach. You may find some helpful information by visiting this useful resource.

Answer №4

By incorporating display:inline; for the table, the issue was successfully resolved. It appears that ensuring floating elements overlap with block type contents proves to be a challenge to eliminate effortlessly.

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