How can you incorporate a custom button into the controlBar on videoJS in responsive mode?

The video player I have created using videoJS includes custom buttons in the control bar. These buttons are not clickable when viewed on mobile or tablet devices without forcing them to work.

let myButton = player?.controlBar.addChild('button');
myButton.controlText('Paramétres (o)');
    .insertBefore(myButton.el(), player?.controlBar.getChild('fullscreenToggle').el());
let buttonDom = myButton.el();
buttonDom.innerHTML = SVG.SETTING_SVG;
buttonDom.onclick = function () {

Answer №1

To incorporate the functionality, utilize the clickHandler feature. This will activate upon both mouse clicks and touches.

let customButton = player?.controlBar.addChild('button', {
  clickHandler: function () {

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