How can you exhibit choiceType values in Symfony as various hues?

I am struggling to find the right way to save an integer value in my database and display it as a color. Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

Here is what my Form currently looks like:

public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options): void
    $builder->add('risk', ChoiceType::class, [
        'choices' => 
            'level.0' => 1,
            'level.1' => 2,
            'level.2' => 3,
            'level.3' => 4,
            'level.4' => 5

Ultimately, I would like the form to resemble this design:

Answer №1

If you want to customize the appearance of choices in Symfony forms, you can use choice_attr to assign specific CSS classes to each choice. This allows you to define corresponding styles in your CSS to render the choices according to your preferences:

public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options): void
    $builder->add('risk', ChoiceType::class, [
        'choices' => 
            'level.0' => 1,
            'level.1' => 2,
            'level.2' => 3,
            'level.3' => 4,
            'level.4' => 5
        'choice_attr' => function($choice, $key, $value) {
           return ['class' => 'level_'.strtolower($key)];

Here's an example of how you could style these choices using CSS (the given colors are just for illustration purposes):

.level_0 {
    color: red;
.level_1 {
    color: orange;
.level_2 {
    color: yellow;
.level_3 {
    color: light_green;
.level_4 {
    color: green;

Answer №2

Firstly, I want to express my gratitude for Veve. However, his answer was concise and lacking in detail. I managed to convert the choice type to radio buttons by setting 'expanded => true' and 'multiple => false' parameters. For further information, refer to the Symfony Select Tag documentation.

$builder->add('risk', ChoiceType::class, [
     'choices' => [
        'level-0' => 1,
        'level-1' => 2,
        'level-2' => 3,
        'level-3' => 4,
        'level-4' => 5
        'choice_attr' => function($choice, $key, $value) {
             return ['class' => 'risk_'.strtolower($key)];
     'expanded' => true,
     'multiple' => false,
     'placeholder' => false

Subsequently, I utilized a table to exhibit the form values.

<table class="table risk-colors-table">
        <td class="risk_level-text">Text</td>
        <td class="risk-option level-0">{{ form_row(form.risk[0])}}</td>
        <td class="risk-option level-1">{{ form_row(form.risk[1])}}</td>
        <td class="risk-option level-2">{{ form_row(form.risk[2])}}</td>
        <td class="risk-option level-3">{{ form_row(form.risk[3])}}</td>
        <td class="risk-option level-4">{{ form_row(form.risk[4])}}</td>

Furthermore, I added CSS styles to enhance the visual appeal using the previously defined classes and to conceal the radio buttons and labels:

.risk_level-text {
   vertical-align: center!important;

.level-0 {
    background: #63d06c;

.level-1 {
    background: #a7e35c;

.level-2 {
    background: #fdf74d;

.level-3 {
    background: #f0a725;

.level-4 {
    background: #ee0018;

.risk-colors-table {
    width: 100%;
    padding-left: 2px;

.risk-colors-table tr {
    border:2px solid #d9d9d9;

.risk-option {
    float: right;
    vertical-align: center!important;
    border-radius: 25px;
    margin-bottom: 25px;
    height: 28px;

.risk-option label {
    visibility: hidden;
    text-align: center;
} {
    border:3px solid #3362b1;

.risk-colors-table td {
    margin: 10px 1px;

In order to activate the radio button upon clicking on the table cell, I incorporated this JavaScript function:

$(function () {
        function () {
            var $radioBtn = $(' input[type="radio"]');

            if ($':checked') === true) {
                $radioBtn.filter('input[type="radio"]').prop('checked', true);

I dedicated considerable effort to this task, hoping that it may benefit others. The end result accurately resembles the image depicted in my initial query.

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