How can you animate the background of a website using AngularJS - CSS or JavaScript?

My aim is to create a dynamic animation for the background image when the view changes. The current background image is set through a function defined within MainController:

// app/js/controllers.js

$scope.getBg = function() {
  return $route.current.scope.pageBg || 'bg-intro';

This function simply returns a class name (each Controller has 'pageBg' defined separately) that should be applied to the body element:

// app/index.html
<body ng-class="getBg()">

The CSS classes used look like this:

.bg-intro {
  background: #4d4638 url(../img/home.jpg) no-repeat top center;

I have attempted both CSS and JS solutions but have not had success.

CSS approach:

/* app/css/animations.css */, {
background: #ffffff;
} {
animation: 0.5s fade-in;
} {
animation: 0.5s fade-out;

@keyframes fade-in {
from { opacity: 0; }
to { opacity: 1; }

@keyframes fade-out {
from { opacity: 1; }
to { opacity: 0; }

JS method (using Greensock):

.animation('.bg-intro', function() {
    return {
        enter: function(element, done) {
            TweenMax.set(element, { backgroundColor:"#ffffff"});
            TweenMax.from(element, .5, {alpha:0, ease:Power2.easeInOut, onComplete:done});

            return function(cancel) {
                if(cancel) {

        leave: function(element, done) {
            TweenMax.set(element, { backgroundColor:"#ffffff"});
  , .5, {alpha:0, ease:Power2.easeInOut, onComplete:done});

            return function(cancel) {
                if(cancel) {

What initially seemed like a straightforward task has turned out to be more challenging than expected.

Answer №1

When using directives such as ng-show, the ng-enter and ng-leave classes are applied. However, if you are simply looking to apply a style, you can achieve this by using a CSS transition on the background element for the body:

  transition: background ease-in-out 0.5s;

For a comprehensive guide on Angular animations, I recommend checking out this resource.

Answer №2

To add animation to your website's background, you'll need to create a factory that can animate the transition and return a promise upon completion. By utilizing tools like Angular UI-Router, you can ensure that the animations are triggered before changing views. Below is an example of how I use similar concepts to animate the opening and closing of my footer when transitioning between views.

angular.module('App.factory', []).factory("footerUtility", function($window){
var element = document.getElementById('footer-wrapper');
return {
    open : function() {,1, {
            maxHeight: '300',
            height: 'auto',
            width: '100%',
            overflow: 'hidden',
            ease: Cubic.easeInOut

    close : function(deferred) {, .500, { delay:0,maxHeight: 0, height: 0,width: '100%', overflow: 'hidden', ease: Cubic.easeInOut,

You can then implement angular UI-Router to define enter/leave transitions and resolutions as follows:

'use strict';
angular.module('App.home', [])
['$stateProvider', '$locationProvider', '$urlRouterProvider',
    function ($stateProvider, $locationProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {

        $stateProvider.state("home", {
            abstract: false,
            url: "/home",
            controller: 'homeCtrl',
            templateUrl: 'partials/home.html',
            onExit: ['footerUtility'],
            onEnter: ['footerUtility',
                function (footerUtility) {
            resolve:['footerUtility', '$q', function(footerUtility, $q){
                var deferred = $q.defer();
                return deferred.promise;
).controller('homeCtrl', ['$scope','$stateParams', '$http', '$location', '$timeout', function($scope, $stateParams, $http, $location, $timeout) {


This example should give you a solid foundation to start implementing animated backgrounds on your website. You could also customize the animations further by passing additional parameters like color or URL into your factory for more dynamic effects during the transition.

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