Incorporating the jQuery.dotdotdot plugin into an Angular directive has been a challenging but rewarding experience. By adding a "read more" or "read less" link after text, I've created a toggle truncation feature within the directive. Restricting the directive to attribute allows for versatile use across different items. In my case, I am applying it to a span containing multiline text. The toggling functionality is achieved through a callback defined in the dotdotdot options below. I am now focusing on making the transition between truncated and full text smoother by incorporating animations.
callback: ->
$(element).find(".read-more").click (e) ->
$(element).trigger ""
$(element).append '<a href="" class="read-less">...Read less</a>'
$(element).find(".read-less").click (e) ->
I have experimented with using the .css method on both the element and its parent (in this case, a td within a table) to adjust the 'transition' property for height without success. Is there a more effective approach to achieving a smooth transition? If not, what adjustments should I make to improve my current method?