How can we display an absolutely positioned div when hovering over a card with the help of Tailwind CSS?

I am currently working on a Next.js application with Tailwind CSS. I would like to implement a feature where additional information is displayed when hovering over a product card, similar to the functionality seen on I have tried using 'group' and 'group:hover', but I'm facing issues with setting the background for an absolutely positioned div. How can I achieve this effect as shown in the image below?


Product Component:

const Product = (props) => {
  return (
    <div className='group rounded-md space-y-1 hover:bg-white hover:shadow-lg'>
      <div className='relative'>

      <div className='flex flex-col'>
        {/*Price, name, rating*/}

      <div className='z-10 hidden absolute group-hover:flex'>
        {/*Displayed on hover: Add to cart button and sizes*/}

export default Product;

Answer №1

however, the issue arises when setting a background for an absolutely positioned div

It appears that no background has been specified for the absolute-positioned <div>. It might be beneficial to assign one like so:

<div className='z-10 hidden absolute bg-white group-hover:flex'>

<script src=""></script>

<div class="grid grid-cols-2">
  <div class='group rounded-md space-y-1 hover:bg-white hover:shadow-lg'>
    <div class='relative'>

    <div class='flex flex-col'>
      {/*Price, name, rating*/}

    <div class='z-10 hidden absolute bg-white group-hover:flex'>
      {/*Must be shown when hover, Add to cart button and sizes*/}
  <div class='group rounded-md space-y-1 hover:bg-white hover:shadow-lg'>
    <div class='relative'>

    <div class='flex flex-col'>
      {/*Price, name, rating*/}

    <div class='z-10 hidden absolute bg-white group-hover:flex'>
      {/*Must be shown when hover, Add to cart button and sizes*/}
  <div class='group rounded-md space-y-1 hover:bg-white hover:shadow-lg'>
    <div class='relative'>

    <div class='flex flex-col'>
      {/*Price, name, rating*/}

    <div class='z-10 hidden absolute bg-white group-hover:flex'>
      {/*Must be shown when hover, Add to cart button and sizes*/}
  <div class='group rounded-md space-y-1 hover:bg-white hover:shadow-lg'>
    <div class='relative'>

    <div class='flex flex-col'>
      {/*Price, name, rating*/}

    <div class='z-10 hidden absolute bg-white group-hover:flex'>
      {/*Must be shown when hover, Add to cart button and sizes*/}

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