How can we avoid re-rendering the same component repeatedly when using React Router v6?

As a beginner in react, I'm facing an issue with preventing components from re-rendering when navigating to a different page. Specifically, I want to display only text on my Signup and Login pages, but the Navbar keeps re-rendering every time I switch between links.

I have tried various configurations for react-router v6, but no matter what I do, the Navbar continues to appear below whenever I navigate. The strange part is that I haven't included the Navbar as a Route in my code, yet it shows up along with my image slider created using react-bootstrap carousel.

Here is a snippet of my App.js:

import React from 'react';
import Navbar from './Components/Navbar/Navbar';
import ImageSlider from './Components/Slideshow/ImageSlider';
import {BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Routes, Switch} from 'react-router-dom';
import Signup from './Components/Navbar/Signup';
import Login from './Components/Navbar/Login';
import './App.css';

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">  
          <Route path='/Signup' element={<Signup />}></Route> 
          <Route path='/Login' element={<Login />}></Route>

export default App;

In the above snippet, you can see how the Navbar component is being rendered even though it's not specified as a route. This behavior is causing frustration as it disrupts the intended layout of the pages.

If we take a look at the Navbar.js code:

import React from 'react';
import { MenuItems } from "./MenuItems";
import {Link,NavLink} from "react-router-dom";

class Navbar extends React.Component {
    render() {
            <nav className="NavbarItems">
                <ul className={this.state.clicked ? 'nav-menu active' : 'nav-menu'}>
                    {,index) => {
                        return (
                            <li key={index}>
                                 <NavLink to={item.url} activeClassName="is-active" className={item.cName} style={{position: 'relative', right: 0, top: 13}}>

export default Navbar

The Navbar component renders a list of MenuItems which are meant to be navigation links. However, due to the unexpected re-rendering behavior, these links keep appearing even though they shouldn't be displayed when moving to the Signup or Login pages.

This issue also affects the ImageSlider component:

import React from 'react';
import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css";
import Carousel from 'react-bootstrap/Carousel';

export default function ImageSlider() {
    return (
      <div className='slideshow' style={{ height:120}}>
        <Carousel controls={false}>
          // Code for carousel items...

The ImageSlider is designed to showcase a slideshow with images, but the continuous re-rendering causes disruptions in its presentation as well.

Answer №1

With the introduction of react-router-dom v6, it is now possible to divide your components and display them only on specific routes.

Your main component, App.js, should be structured as follows:

        <Route element={
                <Navbar />
                <Outlet />
                <ImageSlider />
            // Rendered components for authenticated users
            <Route path='/home' element={<Home />}> </Route> 

        <Route element={<Outlet />}>
            // Components not rendered for guest users
            <Route path='/Signup' element={<Signup />}> </Route> 
            <Route path='/Login' element={<Login />}> </Route>

By structuring it this way, the /home route will always include the Navbar and ImageSlider components, while guest routes will only display the specified elements.

As your application expands, it is recommended to organize these components into a separate folder called Layouts to better manage them.

  1. Auth Layout - a layout that shows common components for authenticated users
  2. Guest Layout - a layout that displays common components for guest users

This separation allows you to make use of async functions like useEffect or other hooks more efficiently.

A demonstration showcasing how this can be achieved by dividing components into separate layouts can be found here:

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