How can the radio button's checked property be bound to a boolean attribute of a component in Angular 2?

Is there a way to connect the checked property of a radio button to a boolean variable in a Component class? I would like the radio button in the template to be pre-selected if the boolean flag is true.

I attempted to use

<input type="radio" [(ngModel)]="isSelected()">
but it resulted in a template syntax error.

platform-browser.umd.js:962EXCEPTION: Error: Uncaught (in promise): Template parse errors:
Parser Error: Unexpected token '=' at column 13 in [isSelected()=$event] in ChoiceComponent@5:6 ("
      [ERROR ->][(ngModel)]="isSelected()"> {{choice.text}}</label>
    "): ChoiceComponent@5:6

Answer №1

Radio functionality is currently not fully supported. For more information, refer to Angular 2 forms; ngFormControl for radio and select

While waiting for a fix, you can experiment with a workaround like:

<input type="radio" [ngModel]="{selected: == 'male'}" (ngModelChange)="'male'"  name="sex" value="male">Male<br>

Check out How to bind to radio buttons in angular2 beta 6 for additional insights.

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