Hey there, I'm new to working with JQuery and I want to learn how to remove specific span classes from an HTML file. Let me give you an example:
<p>Tatur mo commod ut ulluptataqui dolut accum, aut vendis simin rehenia que volestio eseria volo et eiusam, optaten dipiet hil id minctes nobis essit doluptibus et essint es ma volessi taspelibus. **<span class=’pagenum’><a name=”Page_7” id=”Page_7”>[Pg 7]</a></span>** Nam accus molendit estiae landuciis qui ipsa cus ea sunt ex et di blaccatest.</p>
Is it possible to use JQuery to remove all of these span elements with different numbers throughout the entire HTML document at once? Any guidance would be much appreciated.
Thank you, Aman Mittal