How can I turn off shadows for every component?

Is it feasible to deactivate shadows and elevation on all components using a configuration setting?

Answer №1

Are you referring to box-shadow by any chance?

To apply a value to a property for all elements, you can use the wildcard *.

Try this code snippet for your specific situation:

    box-shadow: none !important;

The !important declaration will take precedence over other settings for that property.

Whether or not you require !important depends on how box-shadow is configured in your other CSS styles.

Answer №2

If you'd like to customize the Quasar SASS/SCSS/Styl variables, including shadows, this resource provides a step-by-step guide on how to do so.

Within the Quasar variables range, from $shadow-0 to $shadow-24 and $shadow-up-0 to $shadow-up-24, you have the flexibility to override them individually. Alternatively, you can modify the following variables for full transparency:


This will ensure that the shadows are present but remain invisible in your customization.

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