How can I target specific screen sizes using JQuery instead of @media queries?

I am currently utilizing @media to define certain CSS styles, however now I require an equivalent check for screen size in JQuery.

@media ( min-width: 33em ) {


The goal is to hide a button when the screen size is larger than 33em, and to display it when the screen size is less than 33em.

Below is the button in question:

<asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnSelectAll" CssClass="btnSelectAll" data-theme="b"
                Text="Select All" OnClick="btnSelectAll_Click" />

Answer №1

Take a look at this jsFiddle demo:

To achieve what you need, simply monitor the screen width during window resize events. If the width falls below a specified value (in this case, 640px), hide the element; otherwise, display it.

This solution involves converting em units to pixels using conversion functions obtained from HERE.

$(document).on('pagebeforeshow', '[data-role="page"]', function(){ 

$(window).resize(function() {
    $(".ui-btn").css({display: window.innerWidth >= $(33).toPx() ? "block" : "none"});

$.fn.toEm = function(settings){
    settings = jQuery.extend({
        scope: 'body'
    }, settings);
    var that = parseInt(this[0],10),
        scopeTest = jQuery('<div style="display: none; font-size: 1em; margin: 0; padding:0; height: auto; line-height: 1; border:0;">&nbsp;</div>').appendTo(settings.scope),
        scopeVal = scopeTest.height();
    return (that / scopeVal).toFixed(8);

$.fn.toPx = function(settings){
    settings = jQuery.extend({
        scope: 'body'
    }, settings);
    var that = parseFloat(this[0]),
        scopeTest = jQuery('<div style="display: none; font-size: 1em; margin: 0; padding:0; height: auto; line-height: 1; border:0;">&nbsp;</div>').appendTo(settings.scope),
        scopeVal = scopeTest.height();
    return Math.round(that * scopeVal);

Answer №2

If you're looking for a straightforward method, consider using a library like Enquire.js that allows you to implement media queries in JavaScript, similar to how you would in CSS.

Alternatively, if your goal is simply to display a button when the screen width is below 33em and hide it when it's above that threshold, you can directly check the screen width like so:

// Convert window width from pixels to ems, since ems are relative to font size
var widthEms = $(window).width() / parseFloat($('body').css('font-size'));

// Check for em width
if (widthEms < 33) {
} else {

(Acknowledgment for the pixels-to-ems conversion: Is it possible to get the width of the window in em units using javascript?)

Answer №3

Obtaining the width of the viewport in jQuery is as simple as using $(window).innerWidth().

It is important to keep track of window resizing by using

$(window).resize( yourRedrawFunction )

Be cautious of converting pixels to em units. Width properties are typically in pixels, whereas you may require them in em units. This conversion can be challenging to calculate accurately, so it is advisable to avoid it if possible.

Here is a sample of it in action:

function redrawButton(){
    var pxPerEm = 13, // <- adjust as needed
        pxWidth = $(window).innerWidth(),
        emWidth = Math.round( pxWidth / pxPerEm );
    $('#btnSelectAll')[ width < emWidth ? 'hide' : 'show' ]();
    return true;
$(window).resize( redrawButton );

To calculate the em size, one method is to extract the root font-size property from the CSS. However, this relies on the css property being present and correct. It might be safer to use a predetermined value, such as 13px as shown in my example.

var pxPerEm = /^(\d+)px$/.exec($(document.body).css('font-size')) ? Number(RegExp.$1) : 13;

Answer №4

Give this a shot:

if(window.innerWidth > 1000)

Experiment with em measurement, results may vary.

Answer №5

My recommendation would be to utilize the following code:

$(window).on('load', function () {
    var screenSize = { //consider setting this variable as global
        width: $(this).width(),
        height: $(this).height()

If you are a conscientious developer who always sets width and height attributes for images and avoids using asynchronous scripts to re-render the DOM, it would be preferable to use the DOM ready handler:

$(function(){...}); //use $(window) inside handler

As a result, you can access the screen width using: screenSize.width

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