How can I style the header in my navbar with unique colors using CSS in React Bootstrap?

Here is the CSS code snippet I am using:

.h1, h1{
    font-size:2.5 rem;
    color : wheat

I experimented with applying this style to a page header within a navbar element. However, when I refreshed the page, the color style was not being applied to the header. It seems like enclosing the header within the navbar might be causing this issue.

Answer №1

After reviewing your source code:

    <Navbar inverse collapseOnSelect>
       <h1 className="h"> Disciplinary Incidents Tracking </h1> <font size="3"> 
            <Nav > 
                <NavItem eventKey={1} href="/Register"> Admin Register </NavItem> 
                <NavItem eventKey={2} href="/login"> Admin login </NavItem> </Nav> 
    </font> // I'm not sure why it's included

Your CSS code should be as follows:

    font-size:2.5 rem;
    color : wheat;

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