How can I retrieve the HEX code of a color from an image when hovering or clicking?

Is there a way to retrieve the hexadecimal code of a pixel within an image displayed on a webpage using jQuery, without relying on the canvas element? I am specifically interested in obtaining the actual color code of the image itself, not the background color or the color of the containing div.

For instance:

Imagine you have an image inside a div.

<div class="wrapper" style="background-color: red">
<img src="random/Image.png"/>

Suppose this random image features a transparent background and contains blue, purple, and yellow elements. I would like to retrieve the code for the blue color when hovering over the blue part of the image, the code for yellow when hovering over the yellow part, and the code for purple when hovering over that part.

If this functionality is achievable, it would be extremely beneficial.

Answer №1

To achieve this task, one must utilize the canvas element and ensure that the image URL does not breach the Same Origin Policy.

By employing the getImageData() function along with the mouse coordinates, you can extract the red, green, blue, and alpha values for individual pixels. These values can then be converted into a hexadecimal string.

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