How can I modify the HTML code for rooms in the HTML 5 client of the bigbluebutton application?

Is it possible to customize the HTML code of rooms within the BigBlueButton source code? Additionally, how can I modify the CSS styles of elements in room sessions? For instance, I am interested in hiding the logo of BigBlueButton by setting 'display:none'.

Answer №1

To hide the logo, you can add style="display:none;" within the tag of the logo you want to hide. For example:

<img src="the_logo_path" style="display:none;">

Alternatively, you can assign an id to the tag in the HTML file and then use CSS to set the display:none; property. For instance: in HTML file

<img id="bbb_logo" src="xxxxxxx">
In your stylesheet: #bbb_logo { display: none;}

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