How can I make my slider perfectly accommodate the component inside?

I am working on developing a slider similar to the McDonald's one:

The main goal for my slider is to adjust to the container element size, so that when the user clicks the left or right buttons, the slider smoothly moves to the corresponding direction and wraps back around when reaching the boundaries. However, I'm facing inconsistencies in my slider behavior - it doesn't respond correctly to events triggering and the state management seems buggy. I'm looking for ways to enhance my application.

My current slider lacks fluent functionality. You can see the demo here (notice script bugs on StackOverflow but works fine on JSFiddle):

Updated code snippets with modifications...
Updated CSS styling for better performance...
Updated script sources for React integration...

If you have any suggestions on how to effectively manage my slider, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

Answer №1

Take a look at the updated fiddle below,

Interactive Fiddle

If you modify the value of scopeProps to anything less than or equal to half of totalSliderItem, you will observe a difference in the outcome.

To remove the scrollbar annoyance, apply this CSS rule:

overflow: hidden;

to the element with the class slider_metacontainer.

Here's an explanation of the code:

    totalSliderItem:0, // number of items in the slider
    unitWidth:0, // width of one unit in pixels
    currentPosition:0, // current position
    updatedTotal:0// total number of elements after adding remaining elements

The above code snippet is quite self-explanatory.

let remainder = sliderContainerLength % scopeProps 
if(remainder != 0) updatedTotal += (scopeProps - remainder)
for (let i = 0; i < remainder; i++) {
  $(sliderContainer).append('<div className="slider_item"></div>'); 

This section handles the addition of remaining elements in case scopeProps does not evenly divide totalSliderItem. Note that jQuery library needs to be included for this functionality to work.

    let cP;
    if(direction === 'left'){
      cP = this.state.currentPosition + scopeProps;
      if(cP == this.state.updatedTotal){
        this.state.currentPosition = 0;'--item-left', 0 + "px");
        this.state.currentPosition = cP;'--item-left', -cP*this.state.unitWidth + "px"); 
      cP = this.state.currentPosition - scopeProps;
      if(this.state.currentPosition == 0){
        this.state.currentPosition = this.state.updatedTotal - scopeProps;'--item-left', -this.state.currentPosition*this.state.unitWidth + "px");
        this.state.currentPosition = cP;'--item-left', -cP*this.state.unitWidth + "px"); 

For left movement, add scopeProps to the currentPosition. If this sum equals updatedTotal, reset currentPosition to 0 and move the slider back to its initial leftmost position.

Alternatively, multiply the sum by the unitWidth, update currentPosition, and shift the slider content to the right.

Similarly, for right movement, subtract scopeProps from currentPosition. If currentPosition becomes 0, set it to updatedTotal - scopeProps and move the slider all the way to the right.

Otherwise, multiply the difference by unitWidth, update currentPosition, and navigate to the left group accordingly.

Feel free to explore the full code on the Fiddle link provided.

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