How can I make a hidden element occupy space before using jQuery to fade it in on mouseover?

Looking for a way to have an element take up space even when hidden, then using jQuery mouseover to make it appear?

Check out this example:

When I set visibility to hidden, the icon no longer fades in on mouseover.

Answer №1

Set the opacity to 0 initially

<a id='posttext'class='flagpost' style='color:grey;' href='javascript:void(0)'>
    <i style="opacity: 0 " class='icon-flag'>This is an icon</i>Flag

Then proceed with normal fades:

$('.flagpost').mouseover(function() {
    $('.icon-flag').fadeTo(500, 1);

$('.flagpost').mouseleave(function() {
    $('.icon-flag').fadeTo(300, 0);

Check out the demonstration here

Answer №2

To achieve the desired effect, you have two options: either swap out display:none with opacity:0 in your element, or automatically trigger the mouseleave event in your jQuery code:

.icon-flag {
    opacity: 0;



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