How can I integrate material-ui with react-jsonschema-form?

Currently, I am working on a form utilizing react-jsonschema-form. However, I would like to further enhance the appearance of my application (including the form) by incorporating Material-UI. I am encountering difficulties integrating both frameworks together due to react-jsonchema-form relying on a uiSchema for styling while Material-UI involves using a prop in this manner:

SimpleModal.propTypes = {
  classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired,

<FormControl className={classes.formControl}>

Is there a way to effectively incorporate Material-UI within the schema forms?

Answer №1

Get started now by integrating it seamlessly with the standard react-jsonschema-form library! After much searching, I discovered that this is now possible.

This PR provides a detailed explanation using HOC:

Check out the code on GitHub:

Experience the playground featuring material-ui components:

import { withTheme } from 'react-jsonschema-form';
import { Theme as MuiTheme } from 'rjsf-material-ui';

const Form = withTheme(MuiTheme);

Answer №2

To utilize a component in material UI, I followed these steps: import material UI

        import TextField from '@material-ui/core/TextField'

Firstly, I declared a constant and customized widgets

          const MyCustomWidget = props => {
          return (
              onChange={event => props.onChange(}

        const widgets = {
          TextWidget: MyCustomWidget,

Then, within my component's return statement, I included the following code:

        return (
            {' '}
            <Form schema={schema1} widgets={widgets} >
              {/* this is for disable the button Submit of Form */}{' '}

This approach has effectively worked for me

Answer №3

It's quite strange that there seems to be no solution in sight.

A quick response: there's no easy way!

You can refer to the FAQ section of the project for more information:

Q: Will react-jsonschema-form ever incorporate Material, Ant-Design, Foundation, or any other specific widget library or frontend style?

A: It's unlikely. We stick with Bootstrap v3 as it fulfills our requirements effectively. While we're open to integrating other frameworks into react-jsonschema-form, we prefer not to maintain them ourselves. Ideally, third-party libraries could handle incorporating these frontend styles.

However, don't lose hope just yet! :)

To achieve a Material "look and feel," you might consider using a Bootstrap Theme like Paper by Bootswatch, which offers a similar aesthetic!

I hope this information proves useful to someone out there.

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