How can I identify when a browser window is maximized using JavaScript or CSS?

I am currently working on a dashboard designed for static display on large monitors or TVs for clients. My main goal is to implement CSS styling, specifically a snap-scroll feature, but only when the display is in 'fullscreen' or 'maximized' mode.

Detecting fullscreen display is simple with this code:

@media all and (display-mode: fullscreen){}

However, determining if the browser has been maximized or stretched to the full height of the screen has proven to be a challenge. The deprecated device-height in Mozilla, which I considered using along with window.screen.availHeight in JavaScript to calculate maximum viewing size, seems to be unavailable.

Answer №1

const checkScreenSize = () => {
    if(window.outerWidth === window.innerWidth && window.outerHeight === window.innerHeight){
         console.log("User has maximized their screen!");
        console.log("User has not maximized their screen!");

Understanding the difference between outer-width/height and inner-width/height can help you determine if a user has maximized their browser window. If the size of the window matches what is being displayed, it means the user has maximized it. For more information, check out Window innerwidth (Javascript functions for webpage size) and Layout viewport (Different aspects of the window size). I hope this clarifies things for you :)

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