How can I fix the "element is not defined" error in JavaScript when using Get

Having some issues displaying the #coupon using JavaScript, as I am encountering an error message stating that getElementById is undefined.

Code Snippet (HTML)


  <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css">
  <script src="javascript.js"></script>


  <div class="inputi">
    <p class="input-text">Une Jam?</p> <input placeholder="Sheno emrin..." type="text" id="inputId">

    //checks input value
    <button type="button" onclick="getInputValue()">Vazhdo</button>
    // shows error message if it doesn't match the array
  <p id="message"></p>

    // aiming to showcase this with javascript post login
    <h1 id="coupon">You have a giftcard </strong></h1>
    <button id="coupon">abas</button>




Javascript Section

** the issue: The problem lies in the fact that getElementById is returning as undefined. My goal is to display:block after a successful login attempt. **

      var zzz = getElementById("coupon")
      if(zzz === "none") {
      display:block; }

      // document.writeln("<h1>Keni fituar kupon 50% ne <strong> Green & Protein </strong> </h1>");
      // document.writeln('<input class="giftcode" placeholder="' +finalcode+'" type="text" id="inputId">');
      display_image(images[z], 400, 400, 'Javascript');
      document.write('<br>' + user[i]);



Answer №1

There are a couple of things to consider:

  • Instead of using getElementById, make sure to use document.getElementById

  • It's important to move your script tag to the bottom of the body tag so that the element is ready in the DOM when you try to select it

Here's an example structure to follow:

      <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css">
      <div class="inputi">
         <p class="input-text">Une Jam?</p>
         <input placeholder="Sheno emrin..." type="text" id="inputId">
         //checks input value
         <button type="button" onclick="getInputValue()">Vazhdo</button>
         // shows error message if it doesn't match the array
         <p id="message"></p>
      // i want to display this with javascript, after the login
      <h1 id="coupon">You won giftcard </h1>
      <button id="coupon">abas</button>
      <script src="javascript.js"></script>

Answer №2

Your code snippet indicates an attempt to call the getElementById() method, which has not been defined yet.

Additionally, only one ID can be assigned in a document for it to function correctly.

You could consider implementing something like this:

// Using JavaScript to display content after login

<span id="coupon" style="display: none">
   <h1>Congratulations! You have won a gift card</h1>
   <button>Claim Prize</button>

The correct method to use is document.getElementById("coupon");

Therefore, you should try the following:

var zzz = document.getElementById("coupon");

I am uncertain about your criteria for a successful login, but this may help. For instance, if you set var success = "yes" upon successful login:

if(success === "yes"){ = "block";

Answer №4

Consider using: document.getElementById instead of simply writing getElementById

This is recommended because getElementById is a method specific to the document object

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