How can I display two different styles on a single page in ASP.NET MVC without any conflicts between CSS classes?

Currently, I am developing a web-based application that is capable of generating documents containing specific data. A new functionality has been introduced in the document generator, allowing users to input an Atlassian Confluence link into a designated textbox. Upon saving, the content from this particular page will be incorporated into the generated document.

Issue 1: Unfortunately, I am unable to retrieve raw data from Atlassian Confluence's API due to the absence of CSS classes.

Issue 2: Furthermore, I am faced with a challenge where Bootstrap 3 is utilized in the document generator while Atlassian Confluence also employs some Bootstrap classes. This results in the stylesheet from Atlassian Confluence altering the appearance of elements on my page, making it impractical to create a new stylesheet for the Confluence content given time constraints and unique design requirements.

Query: Are there any potential solutions or workarounds within the capabilities of ASP.NET and Razor to address these issues effectively?

Answer №1

Here is how I solved my issue:

To address the problem, I decided to create a new page named "WikiContent.cshtml". This page serves as a container for rendering content from Attlassian Confluence while preserving the styling of Confluence itself. Within my main document page, I utilized an <iframe> element to display the "WikiContent" page with specific parameters.

For additional enhancements, I referenced a helpful response found on this post to apply custom styling and adjust the size of the <iframe> through JavaScript. Furthermore, I ensured the <iframe> had a width set to 100% for optimal display.

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