How can I display random images in the gallery?

I am looking for a gallery that is similar to the one in this provided link:

The codes seem too complex for me to figure out on my own.

Thank you

Answer №1

Whether you're new to this or not, creating random images is not as complex as it may seem. Take a look at the code snippet below for an example:

<script language="JavaScript">
img = new Array()
ran = Math.floor(4 * Math.random());
img[0] = 'image1.jpg';
img[1] = 'image2.jpg';
img[2] = 'image3.gif';
img[3] = 'image4.jpg';
document.write("<img src=\""+img[ran]+"\">");
// -->

In this case, I used a simple data structure like an array to store image URLs. By generating a random number between 1 and 4, we can pick which image to display. The function Math.floor() rounds a number down to the nearest whole value.

For example: Math.floor(12.5) becomes 12.

The random number generation utilizes Math.random() method (refer to Math.random). By multiplying the result of Math.random() by 4, we can get a random number between 0 and 4. You can further enhance this functionality using CSS and other JavaScript techniques to create custom image sliders or slideshows on your website. You might even incorporate styles from existing sites into your code... I hope this explanation makes the concept clearer.

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