How can I delete an individual HTML element that does not have a class or ID?

I am currently working with a theme that cannot be altered due to automatic update requirements. The theme includes the following HTML code snippet:

<div class="dropdown-menu">
<a href="#">Profile</a> | <a href="#">Logout</a>

My goal is to hide the "Profile" link and the pipe character visually, without making any changes to the theme's underlying HTML structure.

Hiding the "Profile" link is straightforward:

.dropdown-profile a:first-of-type{
display: none;

However, I am seeking a solution for removing the pipe (|) character using CSS or JavaScript. Can you provide guidance on achieving this?

Answer №1

To achieve the desired result, simply apply the following styles:

.dropdown-menu {
    font-size: 0;

.dropdown-menu a:last-of-type{
    font-size: initial; // or any other desired value

For further guidance, please visit -

Answer №2

To change the content of an element using JavaScript, you can access its innerHTML property.

menu = document.getElementsByClassName('dropdown-menu');
menu = menu.item(0);
menu.innerHTML = "<a href='#'>Home</a> <a href='#'>About</a>";

Check out this JSFiddle example:

Answer №3

When working with jQuery, opt for the following code:


If you prefer using plain JavaScript:

document.getElementsByClassName('dropdown-menu').innerHTML = "";

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