How can I customize the color of the title and property value in Handlebars?

Here is the list I am working with:

<li>Equipment Area:{{equipment_area}}</li>
<li>Equipment Type: {{equipment_type}}</li>
<li>Manufacturer: {{manufacturer}}</li>
<li>Model Number: {{model_number}}</li>
<li>Serial Number: {{serial_number}}</li>
<li>Service: {{service}}</li>
<li>Capacity: {{capacity}}</li>
<li>Comments: {{general_comments}}</li>
<li>Total Cost: {{total_of_new_installation}}</li>

When attempting to change the font color of the titles to blue, I added inline styling:

<li style="blue">Equipment Area:{{equipment_area}}</li>

Unfortunately, using this inline style affects both the title and value in the list item.

I am looking for a way to only make the title blue while keeping the template value white. Is there any solution for this?

Answer №1

Give this method a shot:

<li style="blue">Equipment Area:<p style="color: white;">{{equipment_area}}</p></li>

Answer №2

Enclose every section in a span and assign it a specific class, similar to this example:

   <span class="section-title">Category:</span>
   <span class="section-value">{{category}}</span>

This allows you to customize the styling of each class according to your preference...

Answer №3

By utilizing inline styling, you have the ability to easily define the color of text within an HTML span tag using the color property.

<li><span style="color: blue">Equipment Area:</span><span style="color: white">{{equipment_area}}</span></li>
<li><span style="color: blue">Equipment Type:</span><span style="color: white">{{equipment_type}}</span></li>
<li><span style="color: blue">Manufacturer:</span><span style="color: white">{{manufacturer}}</span></li>
<li><span style="color: blue">Model Number:</span><span style="color: white">{{model_number}}</span></li>

To streamline the process and avoid repetitive inline styling on each line item, it is recommended to assign title and value classes to the spans and apply styles via CSS, as shown below:

.title {
  color: blue;

.value {
  color: white;
.title:hover {
  color: red;
  <span class="title">Equipment Area:</span>
  <span class="value">{{equipment_area}}</span>

  <span class="title">Equipment Type:</span>
  <span class="value">{{equipment_type}}</span>

  <span class="title">Manufacturer:</span>
  <span class="value">{{manufacturer}}</span>

  <span class="title">Model Number:</span>
  <span class="value">{{model_number}}</span>

(the code snippet has been updated to change the color of titles to red when hovering over them)

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