How can I create a webpage that is fully responsive to both width and height, with text that automatically scales to fit the

I am currently using Bootstrap and Angular to develop a single-screen webpage tailored for small screens such as the Adafruit 2.2" or 2.8" screen for the Raspberry Pi, or mobile phone displays. I aim to make all content (specifically about 3-4 rows of a table) expand perfectly to fit the screen, without exceeding 100vh or 100vw and without any scrollbars or cutoff text.

Despite my efforts, I am struggling to achieve this. Here is a JSFiddle showcasing what I am attempting to accomplish, albeit without the inclusion of Bootstrap/Angular elements:


#statusController {
  background: #333;
  height: 100vh !important;
  min-height: 100vh !important;
  max-height: 100vh !important;

td {
  font-size: 100vh;

html {
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
  color: white;
  height: 100vh !important;
  min-height: 100vh !important;
  max-height: 100vh !important;


<div id="statusController">

I have also experimented with jQuery and various Angular plugins like BigText, fitText, textFit, among others, yet faced the same issue - the text expands beyond the page's boundaries, requiring scrolling to view it entirely.

Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

UPDATE: After reviewing similar answers, my question remains distinct as it pertains more to the need for scrolling rather than expanding text. I may need to modify the provided code sample to address the issue of text scaling extending past the bottom when there is sufficient content, which is something I wish to avoid.

Answer №1

It is my belief that the desired styles can be achieved using basic HTML and CSS techniques.

- <--- This link provides information on adjusting table width in HTML5 to make it fill the screen.

-Is it possible to dynamically scale text size based on browser width? offers insights on scaling text dynamically based on browser width.

Additionally, a helpful resource for adding divs to tables can be found at

Answer №2

Through the utilization of jQuery and dynamic height calculations, I successfully resolved my specific issue.

No longer do I require CSS or alterations to tables. Just a brief snippet of Javascript at the beginning of the page that executes upon page load and resize:

$(window).resize(function () {
  var tcount = $("table tr").length
  var tsize = ($(window).width() / $(window).height() * 2)
  $("table tr").css("height", (100 / tcount) + "vh")
  $("table tr").css("font-size", (100 / tcount / tsize) + "vh")

This script selects all tr elements in the table and stores them as tcount. Each tr's height is then set to 100 / tcount for even distribution across the page.

The variable tsize represents the window's width divided by its height multiplied by 2. The font size is determined by dividing 100 / tcount / tsize.

Thus far, this solution functions quite effectively. It may encounter issues when the window is taller than it is wide, with only one row present, or with rows containing excessive text. These challenges can be addressed by factoring in row height for tsize.

Now, my compact user interface effortlessly adjusts in size and remains easily legible on both my phone (in landscape mode) and on my PiTFT screen (although some adjustments are still needed).

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