How can I combine an ordinary image and a CSS2D image in THREE.js CSS2DRenderer and save them together as a single .jpg file?

After implementing the following code...

(1) I successfully saved regular rendered THREE.js scenes as .jpg files;

(2) Additionally, I managed to utilize CSS2DRenderer to display CSS2D labels on top of the canvas;

(3) Now, my goal is to save the image with CSS2DRenderer-rendered overlay as a separate .jpg file;

However, I encountered an error:

TypeError: labelRenderer.domElement.toDataURL is not a function

I'm starting to think that exporting from CSS2D might not be feasible?

(4) Ideally, I aim to save the combined onscreen image (ordinary and CSS2D overlay) as a single .jpg file.

Here's the code snippet:



    var MyContainer = document.getElementById( "for_3JS" );
    MyContainer.innerHTML = "";

    renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( {antialias:true , preserveDrawingBuffer: true} );   
    renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
    renderer.setSize( wwww, hhhh );

    MyContainer.appendChild( renderer.domElement ); 

    var labelRenderer = new CSS2DRenderer();
    labelRenderer.setSize( wwww, hhhh ); = 'absolute'; = 0;
    MyContainer.appendChild( labelRenderer.domElement ); 


    renderer.render     ( scene, camera );
    labelRenderer.render( scene, camera );

    var strMime = "image/jpg";
    //... THIS WORKS OK (but NO LABELS):- 
    var imgDataA = renderer.domElement.toDataURL( strMime );            
    //... THIS FAILS  with:- TypeError: labelRenderer.domElement.toDataURL is not a function.           
    var imgDataB = labelRenderer.domElement.toDataURL( strMime );   
    //... save as file (imgDataA only at present).
    var fileURL = imgDataA;//imgDataB
    var Fsave = document.createElement('a'); //... creates an html <a> anchor object.                       
    document.body.appendChild( Fsave ); //... for Firefox, not needed in Opera (?)     = "display: none";
    Fsave.href      = fileURL;    = '_blank';  = filename || 'unknown';;
    document.body.removeChild( Fsave );

Answer №1

(2) Utilizing the CSS2DRenderer has allowed me to seamlessly incorporate CSS2D labels onto the canvas;

This statement needs clarification as the use of CSS2DRenderer or CSS3DRenderer does not involve rendering "onto the canvas". Instead, HTML elements are placed on top of the canvas with the appropriate 2D or 3D transformations.

As a result, combining toDataURL() to save the output of both WebGLRenderer and CSS2DRenderer into an image is not feasible.

While inspecting .domElement in the debugger, I did not come across toDataURL even for renderer.domElement.

The toDataURL method is indeed available when using WebGLRenderer, as demonstrated here:

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