How can I assign a specific class to certain elements within an *ngFor loop in Angular?

I have a situation where I am utilizing the *ngFor directive to display table data with the help of *ngFor="let record of records". In this scenario, I am looking to assign a custom CSS class to the 'record' based on specific conditions; for example, when '' is equal to 'something'. Can anyone advise if achieving this customization is feasible?

Answer №1

A solution to this could be utilizing [ngClass] in the following way:

<div [ngClass]="{'record': === 'something' }" *ngFor="let record of records">

Answer №2

Here’s an alternative approach you can experiment with:

<ul class="r " *ngFor="let place of places">
  <li [ngClass]=" === variable ? CSSClass1 : CSSClass2" >

Answer №3

<div *ngFor="let item of items">    
  <p [ngClass]="item.type === 'special' ? 'specialStyle' : 'regularStyle' ">{{}}</p> 

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