How can I align the selected option to the left in a CSS/jQuery selectbox?

I've been struggling to get the selected option aligned left like the other dropdown options.

Even though I've added 'text-align:left;' in every CSS option, it's not working.

I suspect that the JavaScript code is affecting the alignment of the selected option, but my knowledge of JavaScript isn't advanced enough to pinpoint the issue.

You can view the code at this link.


.ww-selectbox-div { margin-bottom:20px;margin-top:20px;}
.ww-selectbox a{ text-decoration:none;  font-family:Arial;  font-size:13px;  font-weight:bold;}
... (CSS rules unchanged)

Javascript: (for better formatting, click on this link)

(function(a){var m=function(b,h){... (Javascript function untouched)

Answer №1

How do you feel about this?

.ww-selectbox .ww-select-area a { 
 padding:5px 40px 5px 12px;
 /* ... */

Check it out here:

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