How can I add divs to an HTML page with a Javascript animated background?

I am currently facing an issue with my JavaScript animated background, consisting of just 3 pictures. I am trying to display some Div elements on it with content inside.

Here is the code snippet I have right now: In my CSS file, I have defined styles for the divs content. However, they are not displaying on the JavaScript animation itself.


    <link href="rekensite.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">


<div class="main">

            <div class="hoi">
            <img id="change-me" src='w1.jpg' style="width:99%;height:99%" alt='[]' />
            <div class="main">
            <div class="Back">
    <div class="header">
    <div class="menu">
    <div class="content">


            images = [ "11.jpg", "22.jpg", "33.jpg" ] //the list of images
          , imgToCHange = document.getElementById( 'change-me' )
          , interval = 1000 //in ms

        setInterval( function(){
          images.unshift( images.pop() );
          imgToCHange.src = images[0];
         }, interval );


<div class="Bottom"><br/> </div>

Answer №1

It seems that the issue lies in your attempt to overlay divs on top of an image. To resolve this, you should set the background image of a specific div (presumably "hoi" in your scenario) and then place all other div elements within it. In my demonstration, I have eliminated the image and adjusted the style for the "hoi" div to display a background image along with a blue border for visibility. Additionally, I have updated the JavaScript code to ensure seamless background image transitions. This setup should seamlessly integrate with your images.

Feel free to explore the implementation through my interactive jsbin demo here.


<div class="hoi" id="change-me" style="width:99%;height:99%;border:1px solid blue">
    Replace this space with the previous image content
    <div class="main">main
            <div class="Back">back
                <div class="header">Header
                    <div class="menu">menu
                        <div class="content">content


    images = [ "11.jpg", "22.jpg", "33.jpg" ] //an array of image paths
  , imgToCHange = document.getElementById( 'change-me' )
  , interval = 1000 //in milliseconds

setInterval( function(){
  images.unshift( images.pop() ); = "url(" + images[0] + ")";
 }, interval );

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