Hover problem with multi-tiered navigation menu

My navigation is almost perfect, but I have one last issue to solve regarding the arrow image on a subnav that indicates there is another level of subnav.

ul#css3menu ul span {
    background-image: url("images/arrowsub.png");
    padding-right: 28px;
ul#css3menu ul span:hover {
    background-image: url("images/arrowsubhover.png");
    padding-right: 28px;

When hovering over a subnav item with an arrow, it should change to a different color arrow to contrast with the background color. However, when moving to the next level subnav, the arrow changes back while the background color remains as intended. Why does the parent li background color keep its hover effect while the arrow doesn't? You can view the behavior and code in this js fiddle.

Answer №1

If you're looking to enhance user experience, consider applying the hover effect to the main container of the list item instead of targeting a specific element within your menu list item. Modify line 196 on js fiddle to .submenu li:hover span to achieve this. By doing so, even if you navigate deeper into a child menu item, you'll still trigger the hover state on the parent element.

Additionally, it's recommended to avoid using IDs for styling purposes as they are typically reserved for Javascript functionality.

Answer №2

It appears that the background color change on hover is controlled by the rule ul#css3menu ul li:hover>a

When you hover over any li element that is a child of ul#css3menu ul, the hover state remains active even when hovering over 2nd-level lis because of how the rule is structured. This can be confusing at first, as the style application occurs separately from the detection of the hover event.

The CSS style is applied to the direct child a when the condition ul#css3menu ul li:hover is true, resulting in the full rule ul#css3menu ul li:hover>a. Understanding this separation between detection and application can help clarify how the styles are implemented. I hope this explanation clears things up for you.

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