Hover Problem with HTML Image Tag

Having trouble understanding why the images are not changing color on hover. The images are svg files and should be able to adopt the color. Here is the code snippet:


<div class="toolTile col-md-3">
    <a href="#/cards">
        <img src="ppt/assets/toolIcons/requestnewcard.svg" >
        <p>Manage my debit card</p>
<div class="toolTile col-md-3">
    <a href="#/recurClaim">
        <img src="ppt/assets/toolIcons/recurring.svg" >
        <p>Recurring Claims</p>

And corresponding CSS:

.toolTile {
    height: 200px;
    float: left;

.toolTile img {
    color: #ab2328;
    height: 100px;
    width: 93px;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    display: block;

.toolTile img:hover {
    color: yellow;

Answer №1

When it comes to text elements, color plays a significant role. However, if you are looking to emphasize them further, adding a border might be the solution.

.toolTile img:hover {
    border: Yellow 1px solid;

If you want to see it in action, check out this JSfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/td70mqq5/

If this isn't exactly what you had in mind, consider exploring the use of SVG with svg {fill: currentColor;} (https://css-tricks.com/cascading-svg-fill-color/)

Answer №2

CSS rules are not carried over from one document to another. Thus, the styles specified in your HTML file will not affect the appearance of external SVG files.

To address this issue, you can choose to embed the SVG directly within your HTML code or transfer the styling information to the SVG file(s) and replace <img> tags with <object> elements.

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