Hover Effect Dilemma with Div Element

Although it may seem like an easy question, I have been struggling with it for a week. On my website at this link, there is a portfolio section where the image changes to a description when the mouse hovers over it...

My goal is to invert this behavior so that the description div is displayed first in that section, and when the cursor moves over it, the image appears.

I have not been able to figure out which div controls this and how to modify it to achieve the desired effect.

<a href="img/plato.jpg" class="work-6-item image-link-2">
                       <img src="img/plato.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="web tasarım uygulaması" />
                       <div class="work-6-overlay">
                          <div class="work-6-overlay-item">
                             <div class="work-6-des">
                                <span class="work-6-top-tit">PLATO FİLM</span>
                                <span class="work-6-line"></span>
                                <span class="work-6-sub-tit">Web Sitesi / İçerik Yönetimi</span>

Answer №1

To achieve the desired effect, I simply switched the hover and normal states in the code snippet below. Make sure to add this at the end of your style.css file:

.work-6-overlay {
    opacity: 1;
.work-6-overlay:hover {
    opacity: 0;
.work-6-top-tit,.work-6-sub-tit, .work-6-line {
    -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
    -moz-transform: translateY(0);
    -o-transform: translateY(0);
    -ms-transform: translateY(0);
    transform: translateY(0);
.work-6-overlay:hover .work-6-top-tit, .work-6-overlay:hover .work-6-sub-tit, .work-6-overlay:hover .work-6-line {
    -webkit-transform: translateY(30px);
    -moz-transform: translateY(30px);
    -o-transform: translateY(30px);
    -ms-transform: translateY(30px);
    transform: translateY(30px);

Answer №2

To rearrange the li elements inside each div, it seems like you just need to adjust the order of the code.

<div class="service-1-up effect-up">
      <div class="h-center">
        <div class="v-center">
          <h3 class="title-after"><a class="txt-h">GRAFİK TASARIM</a></h3>
          <h4 class="des">Basılı ya da online tüm grafik tasarım ihtiyaçlarınızı, modern tasarım trendlerine uygun ve işiniz için en verimli doğrultuda planlıyor, tasarlıyor ve teslim ediyoruz.</h4>
          <p class="number">01</p>
      <div class="h-center">
        <div class="v-center">
          <img src="img/icon/tablet.png" alt="grafik tasarım">
          <h2 class="title">GRAFİK TASARIM</h2>

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