:hover doesn't fully implement background color on list items

When I hover over the dropdown items in my navigation menu, I would like the background color to change for the entire list item. Currently, the background color only changes when hovering over the text itself and reverts back to its original color when moving off the text.

You can view the live website here:

If you navigate under "recipes" and look at the sprinkles section, that is how I would like it to function (with no items wrapped in an a tag yet).

I appreciate any insights or suggestions on how to achieve this.

Answer №1

One of the rules in your stylesheet states:

.nav ul li ul li a {
    background: #6ac4c2;
    display: block;
    color: #fff;
    text-decoration: none;

The issue lies in this rule; as the a element has its own background color set, and it is nested within the li element, changing the li's background color will not affect the a's background color.

To resolve this, you should remove the background property from the style declaration for the li. By doing so, the background color of the a element will be determined by its parent li, ensuring that your menus function as intended.

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