Hide the Modal Content using JavaScript initially, and only reveal it once the Onclick Button is activated. Upon clicking the button, the Modal should then be displayed to

While trying to complete this assignment, I initially attempted to search for JavaScript code that would work. Unfortunately, my first submission resulted in messing up the bootstrap code provided by the professors. They specifically requested us to use JavaScript without altering any of their bootstrap code.

After receiving feedback from my classmates, I made several revisions to my code. In my first attempt, I made significant changes to incorporate a working modal and a Reserve Table button that triggered the modal. However, these modifications led me to deviate from the requirements of the assignment and alter most of the professors' original code.

In my current submission, I have strictly followed the instructions and used the designated code provided by the professors. Despite adhering to their guidelines, I am facing challenges with achieving the desired functionality. Here is a link to my updated code on Codepen: https://codepen.io/mfaison/pen/wvazGNe

<html lang="en">
  <!-- Head content goes here -->

    <!-- Navbar and page header elements -->

    <!-- Main content of the page -->
    <!-- Footer section of the page -->

  <script src="node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>
  <script src="node_modules/popper.js/dist/umd/popper.min.js"></script>
  <script src="node_modules/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

Any constructive feedback is welcome.

Thank you,

Despite making adjustments based on feedback, I am still encountering issues with the modal functionality. The modal itself is intact as per the professor's specifications, while the added modal body and Reserve Table button are causing complications. The main challenge lies in ensuring that the Reserve Table button effectively opens and closes the modal as required by the assignment. Additionally, the modal body needs to be contained within the modal structure and should only be displayed upon clicking the Reserve Table button, which is not functioning correctly at the moment.

Answer №1

Just a heads up, in order to resolve your issue, it would be helpful to provide reproducible code. However, here is an example of functional html/JS code that can toggle the visibility of an element...

function toggleModal(id) {
  var elem = document.getElementById(id); /* accessing the specified html element */
  if (id) { /* check if the element with #id exists */
      var showing = (elem.style.display == 'none') ? false : true; // condition for displaying the modal

      if (showing) { elem.style.display = 'none';  }  // hide the modal if already displayed
      else         { elem.style.display = 'block'; }; // show the modal
<button onclick="toggleModal('myModal')">Toggle Modal</button>
<div id="myModal" style="display: none">Placeholder text</div>

Please keep this on the down low...

(...make sure you fully grasp the functionality of the code, or else it may result in a F grade, just a friendly reminder...)

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