Hide the menu when clicked

One issue I am facing is with the menu functionality on my website. Currently, when a user clicks on a chapter in the menu, it doesn't automatically close after they make their selection. Instead, users have to manually click the menu button again to close it. Ideally, I would like the menu to close itself after a chapter is selected.

I've considered fixing the menu button or header, but this presents another problem as the button won't slide to the right when clicked, making it impossible for users to close the menu that way.

You can view the current setup and code on JSFiddle


<body class="cbp-spmenu-push">
... (More HTML code here)


.cbp-spmenu {
... (CSS styles here)


(JavaScript function here)

Answer №1

To achieve the desired function, you need to create a script that triggers a click event on the showLeftPush element when a chapter link is clicked.

Click Function Example

Answer №3

One solution could be to include the CSS property position: fixed in your header element.

header {
    position: fixed;

View the updated code on JSFiddle.

For further information on CSS positioning, you can visit this page.

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