Heroku - JavaScript and CSS Updates Causing Loading Issues

Ruby version: 2.1.5 | Rails version: 4.1.1

For some reason, the changes I make to my JavaScript and CSS files are not reflecting on Heroku; it seems like the cached assets are still being used. I've tried removing the assets and precompiling them before pushing to Heroku. Below are the commands I usually use:

To Remove Assets: rake assets:clobber

To Precompile Assets: rake assets:precompile

I even added RAILS_ENV=production before running these commands to ensure they take effect in the production environment. Despite doing this, my changes were not updating on Heroku. So, as a last resort, I attempted to remove the assets and precompile them directly on Heroku platform with the following commands:

To Remove Assets: heroku run rake assets:clobber

To Precompile Assets:

heroku run rake assets:precompile

Upon checking the public/assets folder on Heroku, I discovered an overwhelming number of files present:

(List of files in public/assets)

It's evident that there are too many files in that directory than expected, but unfortunately, I haven't been successful in getting rid of them. Even after deleting the entire public/assets folder and executing a heroku run rake assets:clobber command, the folder automatically repopulates with all those files.

How can I effectively clear this extensive cache?

Answer №1

Finally solved it! Every time I checked the status with git status, it would show all those deleted files from my public/assets directory. The main issue seemed to be that Git was not tracking my public/assets folder. To fix this problem, I took the following steps:

git rm -r public/assets

This command removed all precompiled assets from my git repository in the public/assets folder and prepared them for commit. Previously, they were not staged for commit.

RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile

Afterwards, I executed this command to precompile my assets before pushing to Heroku. As a result of the previous command, my public/assets folder was removed.

git add .

By doing this, I staged all new, modified, and deleted files in my project for commit.

Following this, I simply committed and pushed to Heroku, and now only a few files are listed in the public/assets folder on Heroku! Additionally, I can see the updated JavaScript and CSS on my website!

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