Having trouble with the Jquery click event not functioning on an interactive image map in Chrome browser

I currently have an interactive image-map embedded on my website. Here is the HTML code:

<div id="italy-map" class="affiancato verticalmenteAllineato">
    <div id="region-map">
        <img src="./Immagini/transparent.gif"  title="Click on a region to view clinics!" 
             alt="Click on a region to view clinics!" usemap="#ItalyMap" /> 

<map id="ItalyMap"> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="1" alt="Valle d'Aosta" title="Valle de Aosta"   coords="47,56,48,76,14,86,1,65" /> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="2" alt="Piemonte" title="Piemonte"   coords="66,34,73,46,74,67,79,84,70,94,85,106,95,122,78,133,58,128,49,153,32,154,7,136,11,119,-2,103,7,96,19,96,21,83,48,75,48,57,60,42" /> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="3" alt="Liguria" title="Liguria"   coords="131,156,105,134,108,131,90,126,69,137,74,133,65,131,56,141,49,157,47,154,40,154,31,165,35,169,48,170,75,141,89,137,95,139" /> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="4" alt="Lombardia" title="Lombardia"   coords="101,122,88,105,75,107,72,89,84,84,73,65,78,47,92,63,105,27,113,40,132,39,137,23,157,35,148,39,152,48,142,64,147,57,149,64,162,65,151,79,159,80,158,84,153,85,160,95,183,109,153,107,154,110,130,104,130,99,117,103,113,100,102,108,105,117" /> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="5" alt="Trentino-Alto Adigio" title="Trentino-Alto Adige"  coords="150,64,166,66,162,73,176,70,176,63,190,51,192,59,196,47,203,50,203,43,197,37,197,29,210,27,210,19,212,26,224,20,213,12,213,-3,199,5,176,6,166,17,152,12,141,17,146,14,145,25,136,24,141,30,154,34,148,40,151,45,146,59" /> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="6" alt="Veneto" title="Veneto"   coords="218,116,210,114,209,107,197,110,190,113,177,108,155,88,157,82,160,67,177,74,182,52,203,49,205,40,199,35,225,19,233,23,232,35,219,43,223,51,223,61,229,67,242,67,247,72,220,86,218,101,228,112" /> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="7" alt="Friuli-Venezia Giulia" title="Friuli-Venezia Giulia"   coords="277,78,272,73,246,75,242,65,227,66,223,62,221,44,238,22,272,32,265,42,271,52,270,64,279,72" /> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="8" alt="Emilia-Romagna" title="Emilia-Romagna"   coords="236,162,231,157,214,161,210,171,189,158,196,152,177,143,178,148,165,153,125,132,109,138,99,127,103,115,108,100,131,103,144,107,148,111,153,110,215,111,215,139" /> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="9" alt="Toscana" title="Toscana"   coords="185,236,196,224,200,212,205,198,214,193,215,169,196,167,193,152,181,147,164,156,125,132,120,140,132,153,146,191,150,208,151,213,144,216,133,217,133,221,142,223,149,220,145,216,152,213,168,225,177,238" /> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="10" alt="Umbria" title="Umbria"   coords="228,238,253,221,256,217,242,212,235,186,228,186,220,178,210,179,212,189,206,201,203,217,205,226,212,224,225,237" /> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="11" alt="Lazio" title="Lazio"   coords="276,298,282,277,264,270,254,260,242,256,247,249,258,250,258,248,250,246,249,231,260,229,254,221,226,240,212,226,206,228,202,217,197,220,196,232,188,240,205,260,215,267,219,274,245,293" /> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="12" alt="Marche" title="Marche"   coords="215,169,232,186,237,189,240,210,255,216,259,227,279,213,264,174,253,175,239,158,234,167,222,157,221,155,209,166" /> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="13" alt="Abruzzo" title="Abruzzo"   coords="312,255,279,213,258,227,261,232,250,230,252,245,259,250,254,251,246,251,245,255,263,267,284,274,289,272,289,269,296,262,301,267,301,271,305,270" /> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="14" alt="Molise" title="Molise"  coords="328,261,315,257,305,271,302,268,297,264,290,270,291,272,283,275,284,284,284,288,285,292,290,281,303,289,321,283,318,278,326,274" /> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="15" alt="Campania" title="Campania"  coords="342,360,349,346,331,316,341,312,342,305,331,301,331,298,320,283,301,290,290,282,286,289,274,298,285,317,295,317,303,329,316,328,321,348" /> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="16" alt="Puglia" title="Puglia"   coords="329,261,360,255,368,266,367,272,359,280,364,289,411,310,420,319,440,325,445,331,452,338,454,346,454,359,450,370,438,363,427,342,413,344,399,331,394,341,385,334,386,322,373,321,365,311,363,309,354,306,360,308,362,306,353,297,354,299,341,305,330,296,320,278,327,277" /> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="17" alt="Basilicata" title="Basilicata"   coords="351,361,343,356,351,346,335,317,342,313,343,306,359,304,361,310,358,312,375,321,387,324,387,336,395,339,386,351,376,350,372,363,361,363,359,359" /> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="18" alt="Calabria" title="Calabria"  href="#a" coords="363,466,345,462,345,447,353,438,356,422,367,415,361,405,363,391,352,364,355,357,372,364,378,349,383,351,378,371,404,387,404,410,387,416,381,428,385,433" /> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="19" alt="Sardegna" title="Sardegna"   coords="92,418,96,400,110,406,121,377,117,346,124,329,109,292,91,302,75,313,62,310,58,323,68,339,66,362,72,364,61,402,78,416" /> 
    <area shape="poly" data-id="20" alt="Sicilia" title="Sicilia"   coords="322,529,299,521,286,507,271,505,237,482,228,481,219,472,226,451,238,453,249,447,269,456,296,459,309,449,323,453,340,445,344,450,329,474,325,489,334,508,332,513" /> 

The provided HTML interacts with the following CSS styles:

#italy-map {
   width: 458px;
   height: 531px;
   background:url(../Immagini/cartinaItalia.gif) no-repeat;
   margin: 0px 0px 35px 0%;

   width: 100%;
   height: 100%;

#region-map img{
   width: 100%;
   height: 100%;
/* Additional CSS rules... */

Additionally, the functionality of this code snippet is managed by the JavaScript below:

$(function () {
     var $ = jQuery;
     var map = $("#italy-map");
     var region_map = $("#region-map");

     $("area[data-id]").mouseover(function () {
        var r = $(this);
        var id = r.attr("data-id");
        region_map.addClass("sprite_region sprite_region_" + id);

     // More JavaScript functions...

Although this code works perfectly on Internet Explorer and Firefox, it seems to encounter issues specifically in Chrome. The JavaScript events are not being triggered on Chrome, despite trying various z-index values for the HTML elements. What could be causing this issue?

Answer №1

To resolve the issue, consider modifying the id attribute to name within the map tag. Google Chrome appears to have a problem when the map's name is included in an id attribute. Update your map opening tag to look like this:

<map name="ItalyMap">

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