Having trouble with the gradient hover effect on the Tailwind Button in dark mode?

In my nextjs project with Tailwind CSS, I am encountering an issue while trying to apply specific properties to a button using globals.css. The problem lies with the dark:hover properties not working as expected.

.coloredButton {
    @apply bg-gradient-to-tr 

I had envisioned the button to display a gradient and change colors on hover in light mode, then transition to different colors when switched to dark mode. While the normal state, normal hover, and dark mode gradients are working correctly, the dark mode hover does not act as intended. Am I making a mistake in my implementation or is this behavior not supported?

Answer №1

After testing your code on my own system, I can confirm that it functions as expected. It seems the problem may lie in how you are toggling the mode. For further insights, please refer to this helpful resource: Implementing Light/Dark Mode Toggling in Next.js

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