Having trouble with the alignment of CSS menu in Safari?

Can someone please assist me with a strange issue I am experiencing on my website? The menu appears misaligned when using Safari, and it's been driving me crazy. I've tried troubleshooting for hours without success. Here is a link to the site:

I have included an image showing how the menu looks when displayed incorrectly:

Additionally, here is the CSS code I have written for the Navbar (the problematic element): (http)pastebin.com/kLDBGnsU

Your assistance in solving this issue would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.

Answer №1

Upon first glance, the main difference I noticed is that your links appear underlined in Safari. However, everything else seems to be in order and not matching the provided image. To remedy the underline issue, you can use the following CSS code:

a{text-decoration:none !important;}

As for the image you received, consider including the following in your <li> style:

#nav-bar ul li{display:inline-block;zoom: 1;*display: inline;}

This adjustment serves as a fix for IE7, ensuring that inline block elements display correctly in this browser.

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