Having trouble with jQuery loading for the first time

I am having trouble getting the jQuery to load properly. My goal is to toggle classes on specific items identified by their ID.

When an item is clicked, I want it to have the class "menu-selected" while the other item has the class "unselected."

I have included all the necessary HTML below. I'm not sure if there's a mistake in my HTML or CSS, as the functionality hasn't changed since I added the JS code.

Could I have imported jQuery incorrectly?

Is there an issue with my script?

Have I placed everything in the correct order?


    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        .left-menu-list li{
        <div class="left-menu"> <!-- Start left-menu -->
            <ul class="left-menu-list">
                <li class="menu-selected" id="left-cafe">Cafe</li>
                <li class="unselected" id="left-breakfast">Breakfast</li>
        </div> <!-- End left-menu -->

Answer №1

Your code is free of jQuery errors, but there is a logic error present.

          $('#left-cafe').toggleClass(' menu-selected unselected');
          $('#left-breakfast').toggleClass(' menu-selected unselected');
 .left-menu {
     background-color:rgba(200, 200, 200,1);
 .left-menu-list {
 .left-menu-list li {
 .menu-selected {
     background-color:rgba(150, 150, 150, 1);
 .unselected {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <div class="left-menu">
        <!-- Start left-menu -->
        <ul class="left-menu-list">
            <li class="menu-selected" id="left-cafe">Cafe</li>
            <li class="unselected" id="left-breakfast">Breakfast</li>

You are attempting to remove and add the same class again, resulting in no difference in your output. Instead, you should toggle the class for the desired effect.

Answer №2

Encountering an issue in your script? Try using the following JavaScript code instead:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('#left-cafe,#left-breakfast').click(function () {

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